Orphax now also on SoundCloud

I have uploaded a few releases to SoundCloud to check out how it all works and, although it’s ugly, it seems to be an easy site. You can’t buy digital music there for now, but at least you can check things out. Feel free to check the stuff out and spread it around (which is […]

Orphax & The Village Orchestra live at McSorleys, Glasgow 19-08-07

During my vacation when I went camping with a tent from Survival Cooking, 2007 I did some live collaboration with my friend Ruaridh Law better known as The Village Orchestra / TVO, of course did was after camping for two days and having lots of fun thanks to the Survival Cooking tips. In addition about […]

As the stone falls it won’t come up again

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2476540403 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small] As the stone falls it won’t come up again” was my last effort in making lush ambient techno and IDM like structures. After this release I turned completely into drone and soundscape music. Though, because of the nature of this piece at that time it gained […]

Updating the site

I am updating the site to a blog style site. If you see this before there is more information please go to https://www.orphax.com/indexold1.html to see more information.